74 research outputs found

    Well Begun is Half Done: Using Online Orientation to Foster Online Students\u27 Academic Self-Efficacy

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    Past research suggests that the use of an online learning orientation is an effective proactive strategy to ease online students\u27 transition into online learning. Based on a sample of 3,888 online students from an urban public university, we used ordinal logistic regression to understand the influence of students\u27 satisfaction with an online learning orientation (OLO), their prior level of online learning experience, and their demographics on their academic self-efficacy (ASE). Consistent with prior research, our findings confirmed the influence of students\u27 satisfaction with OLO, their prior online learning experience, and their gender on their ASE. Unsatisfied students were 85% less likely than satisfied students to express a high level of self-efficacy. In contrast, students\u27 age and enrollment status proved not to be significant. Overall, our findings provide strong evidence about how the use of an OLO as proactive support strategy can boost online students\u27 academic self-efficacy

    Implementing an Enterprise Information System to Reengineer and Streamline Administrative Processes in a Distance Learning Unit

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    During the past three years, we have developed and implemented an enterprise information system (EIS) to reengineer and facilitate the administrative process for preparing and teaching distance learning courses in a midsized-to-large university (with 23,000 students). The outcome of the implementation has been a streamlined and efficient process which has delivered higher faculty satisfaction at a substantial cost reduction. In this paper, we propose a new conceptual and operational framework for process reengineering (PR) in higher education institutions. We also share our practical experience gained while designing, developing, and integrating three subsystems into an EIS. We hope that our experience, delineated in this paper, will help other universities’ distance learning efforts and will encourage them to implement enterprise information systems to effectively manage their administrative processes

    PersoNER: Persian named-entity recognition

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    © 1963-2018 ACL. Named-Entity Recognition (NER) is still a challenging task for languages with low digital resources. The main difficulties arise from the scarcity of annotated corpora and the consequent problematic training of an effective NER pipeline. To abridge this gap, in this paper we target the Persian language that is spoken by a population of over a hundred million people world-wide. We first present and provide ArmanPerosNERCorpus, the first manually-annotated Persian NER corpus. Then, we introduce PersoNER, an NER pipeline for Persian that leverages a word embedding and a sequential max-margin classifier. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is capable of achieving interesting MUC7 and CoNNL scores while outperforming two alternatives based on a CRF and a recurrent neural network

    Using Data Mining for Predicting Relationships between Online Question Theme and Final Grade

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    As higher education diversifies its delivery modes, our ability to use the predictive and analytical power of educational data mining (EDM) to understand students\u27 learning experiences is a critical step forward. The adoption of EDM by higher education as an analytical and decision making tool is offering new opportunities to exploit the untapped data generated by various student information systems (SIS) and learning management systems (LMS). This paper describes a hybrid approach which uses EDM and regression analysis to analyse live video streaming (LVS) students\u27 online learning behaviours and their performance in their courses. Students\u27 participation and login frequency, as well as the number of chat messages and questions that they submit to their instructors, were analysed, along with students\u27 final grades. Results of the study show a considerable variability in students\u27 questions and chat messages. Unlike previous studies, this study suggests no correlation between students\u27 number of questions/chat messages/login times and students\u27 success. However, our case study reveals that combining EDM with traditional statistical analysis provides a strong and coherent analytical framework capable of enabling a deeper and richer understanding of students\u27 learning behaviours and experiences

    All Hands on Deck: How One University Pooled Resources to Educate and Advocate for Affordable Course Content

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    (First paragraph) A strong case can be made for academic library involvement in Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Affordable Course Content (ACC). Academic libraries typically employ librarians who are experts in topics aligned with OERs and ACC, including copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons (CC) licensing, as well as in finding resources to support and to map out academic curricula. Libraries are also in the unique position of having distinct and defined connections with members of all three stakeholder groups: students, faculty, and administrators

    Research Article Solution of Two-dimensional Transient Heat Conduction in a Hollow Sphere under Harmonic boundary condition

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    Abstract: In this study, an analytical modeling of two dimensional heat conduction in a hollow sphere, subjected to time dependent periodic boundary condition at the inner and the outer surfaces, is performed. The thermo physical properties of the material are assumed to be isotropic and homogenous. Also, the effects of the temperature oscillations frequency on the boundaries, the thickness variation of the hollow sphere and thermo physical properties of the ambient and the sphere involved in some dimensionless numbers are studied. The results show that the obtained temperature distribution contains two characteristics, the dimensionless amplitude and the dimensionless phase difference. Comparison between the present results and the findings of the previous study as related to a twodimensional solution of the hollow sphere subjected to the simple harmonic condition shows a good agreement

    Wage losses in the year after breast cancer: Extent and determinants among Canadian women

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. © The Author 2008.Background - Wage losses after breast cancer may result in considerable financial burden. Their assessment is made more urgent because more women now participate in the workforce and because breast cancer is managed using multiple treatment modalities that could lead to long work absences. We evaluated wage losses, their determinants, and the associations between wage losses and changes for the worse in the family's financial situation among Canadian women over the first 12 months after diagnosis of early breast cancer. Methods - We conducted a prospective cohort study among women with breast cancer from eight hospitals throughout the province of Quebec. Information that permitted the calculation of wage losses and information on potential determinants of wage losses were collected by three pretested telephone interviews conducted over the year following the start of treatment. Information on medical characteristics was obtained from medical records. The main outcome was the proportion of annual wages lost because of breast cancer. Multivariable analysis of variance using the general linear model was used to identify personal, medical, and employment characteristics associated with the proportion of wages lost. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results - Among 962 eligible breast cancer patients, 800 completed all three interviews. Of these, 459 had a paying job during the month before diagnosis. On average, these working women lost 27% of their projected usual annual wages (median = 19%) after compensation received had been taken into account. Multivariable analysis showed that a higher percentage of lost wages was statistically significantly associated with a lower level of education (Ptrend = .0018), living 50 km or more from the hospital where surgery was performed (P = .070), lower social support (P = .012), having invasive disease (P = .086), receipt of chemotherapy (P < .001), self-employment (P < .001), shorter tenure in the job (Ptrend < .001), and part-time work (P < .001). Conclusion - Wage losses and their effects on financial situation constitute an important adverse consequence of breast cancer in Canada.The Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and Fondation de l’Université Laval

    Quality specifications in postgraduate medical e-learning: an integrative literature review leading to a postgraduate medical e-learning model

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    BACKGROUND: E-learning is driving major shifts in medical education. Prioritizing learning theories and quality models improves the success of e-learning programs. Although many e-learning quality standards are available, few are focused on postgraduate medical education. METHODS: We conducted an integrative review of the current postgraduate medical e-learning literature to identify quality specifications. The literature was thematically organized into a working model. RESULTS: Unique quality specifications (n = 72) were consolidated and re-organized into a six-domain model that we called the Postgraduate Medical E-learning Model (Postgraduate ME Model). This model was partially based on the ISO-19796 standard, and drew on cognitive load multimedia principles. The domains of the model are preparation, software design and system specifications, communication, content, assessment, and maintenance. CONCLUSION: This review clarified the current state of postgraduate medical e-learning standards and specifications. It also synthesized these specifications into a single working model. To validate our findings, the next-steps include testing the Postgraduate ME Model in controlled e-learning settings

    Process Performance Management in Higher Education

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    Process performance management (PPM) has become one of the most important management tools in profit organizations. However, non-profit organizations also started to benefit from PPM aimed at the efficiency improvement. The goal of the paper is to investigate usefulness of embedding the simulation modelling approach for process performance management based on the case study of collaboration improvement in higher education. The case study methodology has been used in the study and the paper presents simulation modelling for PPM with the purpose of collaboration improvement at the University of Zagreb, Croatia
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